University of Leeds
New Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) cleanrooms
The University of Leeds awarded Clean Room Construction the construction phase for three new Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) rooms and a freezer room in a £½ million fast-track project at the university.
The contract followed CRC's successful completion of an Electron Beam close control room for the university. CRC also carried out the RIBA Stage 3 detailed design for the prestigious BRAGG project at the university, having previously been appointed to the professional team on Stage 2. The BRAGG Centre forms part of an ambitious five-year-plan to transform the campus through the development of new sites and the refurbishment of older buildings.
On this project, CRC was responsible for the concept then detailed design before tendering and being awarded the build phase which included construction, HVAC, mechanical and electrical distribution, HVAC and BMS wiring, small power, lighting, chilled water installation and ductwork distribution/exhaust. The HVAC system consisted of three air handling systems serving rooms which required different environmental parameters, with specialist dehumidification control equipment used to achieve the temperature of 20°C + 0.4°C and humidity of 20% + 10% RH within rooms. The air handling equipment contained H14 high efficiency particulate air filters to attain ISO 8 cleanliness.
The distribution of supply air was achieved by ceiling-mounted textile diffusers to ensure low velocity discharge into the facility so as not to affect the critical process equipment with low level exhaust. The BMS has been used to control the chilled water cooling, electric thyristor control reheat and dehumidifiers to achieve the required room conditions.
CRC also installed a gas detection system to monitor oxygen depletion and hygienic wall cladding panels to line the existing host building walls and ceilings.
The completed facility houses powerful high-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopes for 2D and 3D characterisation of protein structures and protein complexes to underline the university's world-leading research capability and facilitate collaborations with researchers at other universities and institutions.
Contract Value: Circa £500,000