National Graphene Institute
State-of-the-art cleanrooms
Critical cleanrooms designed and built by Clean Room Construction for the pioneering National Graphene Institute at The University of Manchester provide the largest academic space anywhere in the world for dedicated graphene research.
A 1,500 sq.m area has been dedicated to specialist research for graphene scientists to collaborate with industry colleagues and university experts in the world-class research hub on the university's main campus. Graphene is the world's thinnest material and is 200 times stronger than steel.
Clean Room Construction (CRC) was selected as a specialist contractor to work with BAM Construction on the £61m landmark project which opened in March 2015. CRC designed and installed the cleanroom facilities, partitioning and mechanical and electrical services. The specification included a main cleanroom facility with a working level 3m below ground to minimise vibration which would compromise sensitive research activities carried out at nanoscales. A secondary cleanroom was located on the first floor together with open plan and modular laboratories, offices, stores and ancillary accommodation.
CRC's unrivalled experience in engineering close temperature control solutions suitable for highly sophisticated Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) and photolithography systems and processes was vital to the successful delivery of the project. Researchers at the institute will use the close control environment (+/- 0.1°C) to microfabricate graphene devices down to 10nm.
Contract Value: Circa £5 million