Brighton 3Ts Redevelopment
Radiopharmacy Unit Design – Brighton
Laing O'Rourke brought in Clean Room Construction to provide design and validation consultancy services associated with the decant project for the Radiopharmacy Unit, as part of the wider £420m Brighton 3Ts Redevelopment.
CRC provided detailed design advice and prepared drawings and other documentation for the fabric and HVAC prior to tender. The validation consultancy consisted of DQ, IQ and OQ advice and document preparation, including the production of a Functional Design Specification. By working collaboratively with the NHS Trust's professional team from the outset, CRC was able to engineer an integrated turnkey design solution.
Laing O'Rourke began work on the new temporary clinical buildings linked to the decant programme in September 2014. The aim is to bring specialist Tertiary, Trauma and Teaching facilities under one roof for the region when construction of the new permanent facilities begins in 2016.
Contract Value: Circa £60,000 (consultancy service only)